march 25, 2024: a week in the life

1 minute read


this week

I continued to refine my first primary analysis this week, looking at how robust my results are to unmeasured confounding (or the influence of unknown variables on the associations I find). I’ve also done a massive clean-up of figures and tables for my review, which has improved their clarity and readability for both my thesis and potential publications. Speaking of publications, I’ve been slowly killing my darlings and refining my results interpretations to meet journal word counts for that review! It might be the hardest editing work I’ve ever done …

next week

I intend to continue refining my work for publication next week. I’ll also explore new methodology to disentangle causal effects of blood donation on health, which is a main focus of my thesis, and examine literature from disparate disciplines to think about how donor-perceived and objectively-assessed health may differ.

outside the lab

I was fortunate enough to participate in the East of England final of the world’s biggest science communication competition, Famelab! You can read about my experience here.

on the reading list

Khan MS, Naidu T, Torres I, Noor MN, Bump JB, Abimbola S. The Lancet and colonialism: Past, present, and future. The Lancet. 2024 Mar;403(10433):1304–8. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(24)00102-8

weekly photo

IMG_7566 I bought some asparagus tips as a weekend treat and was very happy with myself.

about me

I’m Yaning (she/her), a PhD candidate in Public Health and Primary Care at the University of Cambridge. I am working with colleagues in the Blood and Transplant Research Unit, the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit, and NHS Blood and Transplant (England’s national blood service) to improve the safety and efficiency of voluntary whole blood donation. I’m supervised by the amazing Dr Lois Kim and funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research. This is my blog about my journey through this candidature, starting from nine months before my transfer of status. Please feel free to reach out at yw645 [at] cam [dot] ac [dot] uk!