october 28, 2024: a week in the life
this week
Time for an apology … I forgot to upload a blog post last week! I have little excuse, except that I had some lovely friends visiting and might have forgotten about this habit amidst the chaos. Anyway, I’m back now, and I come with exciting news! Two reviewers have submitted their comments after I submitted my review manuscript a month ago, and I’ve already begun responding to them. I hope to complete these “minor revisions” (in the journal’s Associate Editor’s words) within a week and move this work closer to publication. During the rest of the week, I’ve been attempting to improve the predictive power of a model I’ve fit within a planned simulation model, revising my thesis draft of my first primary analyses following feedback from my supervisor, conducting a second review of a transfusion-related manuscript, and finalising data access request documents for a near-future (I hope!) project. Things are changing fast, and I’m trying my best to keep up.
next week
I’ll be glad to finish responding to reviewers’ comments next week so that I can move on to my burgeoning pile of other work! I look forward to improving my first primary analyses further (I just found out that I may be able to preserve more information and statistical power by using a different method, which will require me to run all my code again), sending those data request documents off after responding to colleagues’ feedback, progressing with my simulation modelling, and preparing for an upcoming seminar I’m leading for first-year medical students.
outside the lab
One of our group members was craving baked beans and invited us all to a college near our office for a leisurely mid-week breakfast. I was hesitant, but was ultimately glad that I joined the group, having tasted some of the best mangos I’ve ever had and met new colleagues who normally sit a floor below us.
on the reading list
Filigrana P, Moon JY, Gallo LC, Fernández-Rhodes L, Perreira KM, Daviglus ML, Thyagarajan B, Garcia-Bedoya OL, Cai J, Lipton RB, Kaplan RC, Gonzalez HM, Isasi CR. Childhood and Life-Course Socioeconomic Position and Cognitive Function in the Adult Population of the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. Am J Epidemiol. 2023 Nov 10;192(12):2006-2017. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwad157.
weekly photo
Figs. 1 and 2
about me
I’m Yaning (she/her), a PhD candidate in Public Health and Primary Care at the University of Cambridge. I am working with colleagues in the Blood and Transplant Research Unit, the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit, and NHS Blood and Transplant (England’s national blood service) to improve the safety and efficiency of voluntary whole blood donation. I’m supervised by the amazing Dr Lois Kim and funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research. This is my blog about my journey through this candidature, starting from nine months before my transfer of status. Please feel free to reach out at yw645 [at] cam [dot] ac [dot] uk!