june 3, 2024: a week in the life

1 minute read


this week

As promised, I met with one of our Dutch collaborators and had a chat about our shared research interests. I was happy with the rapport we built and how much I learnt! In fact, we continued emailing back and forth throughout the week. My main task for the rest of the week was to prepare a 15-minute presentation …

next week

BIG DAY INCOMING! I’ll present my first year progress to colleagues within the Department of Public Health and Primary Care next Wednesday. I’m especially grateful to my fellow PhD students, who have provided invaluable comments on the clarity and aesthetics of my slides. I’m looking forward to engaging with the work of others across our wide research remits too. Otherwise, I’ll continue thinking about ways to make my thesis more coherent.

outside the lab

I’ve been brainstorming how to commemorate Scoliosis Awareness Month this week! Any suggestions are welcome :)

on the reading list

Rankin CH, Abrams T, Barry RJ, Bhatnagar S, Clayton DF, Colombo J, Coppola G, Geyer MA, Glanzman DL, Marsland S, McSweeney FK, Wilson DA, Wu CF, Thompson RF. Habituation revisited: an updated and revised description of the behavioral characteristics of habituation. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 2009 Sep;92(2):135-8.

weekly photo

IMG_8076 The view from my window as I invigilated a single-person exam this weekend :)

about me

I’m Yaning (she/her), a PhD candidate in Public Health and Primary Care at the University of Cambridge. I am working with colleagues in the Blood and Transplant Research Unit, the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit, and NHS Blood and Transplant (England’s national blood service) to improve the safety and efficiency of voluntary whole blood donation. I’m supervised by the amazing Dr Lois Kim and funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research. This is my blog about my journey through this candidature, starting from nine months before my transfer of status. Please feel free to reach out at yw645 [at] cam [dot] ac [dot] uk!