march 4, 2024: a week in the life

1 minute read


this week

I started running my main analyses this week and tabulating the results - at this point, I can only say that they look interesting :) I then had some ideas sprouting from my ears and am trying to develop some new proposals using existing data. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I am rewriting my systematic review and meta-analysis draft after detailed feedback from my supervisor!

next week

I want to finish a better version of my review and start turning it into a publication-ready manuscript. I also hope to move further with my primary analyses, including making more sense of my findings and how robust they are to certain statistical biases.

outside the lab

I’ve been preparing for and advertising my first ever solo piano recital! Details here :)

on the reading list

Huang Y, Burgoine T, Bishop TRP, Adams J. Assessing the healthiness of menus of all out-of-home food outlets and its socioeconomic patterns in Great Britain. Health & Place. 2024;85:103146.

weekly photo

IMG_7315 New branding for our department’s public-facing events!

about me

I’m Yaning (she/her), a PhD candidate in Public Health and Primary Care at the University of Cambridge. I am working with colleagues in the Blood and Transplant Research Unit, the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit, and NHS Blood and Transplant (England’s national blood service) to improve the safety and efficiency of voluntary whole blood donation. I’m supervised by the amazing Dr Lois Kim and funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research. This is my blog about my journey through this candidature, starting from nine months before my transfer of status. Please feel free to reach out at yw645 [at] cam [dot] ac [dot] uk!